Gangsta in da house – bush style



Nairobi is known for its high crime rate. Car hijacking, robberies at gunpoint and domestic burglary are daily hassles.  Though I have been lucky the 1,5 years I have lived in Nairobi I haven’t had a single incident. Yesterday was the day this changed.

Since a few weeks we have noticed that we must have some visitors in the house while we are out working but nothing ever got stolen..rather consumed on the spot. One day I found an Avocado half eaten on the kitchen counter. The other day a baguette on the stairs.

Yesterday I was able to spy the gangsta. Luckily I had my camera at hand when I heard some uncommon noise coming from the kitchen. A little anxious about who I would discover I slowly sneaked towards the kitchen. What I saw was beyond my expectation…I had thought of birds like crows but to my surprise on the other side of the kitchen counter sits the suspect: a fairly sized monkey eating my freshly made Sunday morning breakfast – German whole wheat rye bread. Well he surely has got taste!

Monkey in the Kitchen

The suspect: Monkey in my kitchen

It took me a few seconds to digest what I was seeing. There is a monkey eating my breakfast ..not all that difficult….The monkey rather looked unimpressed as if this was his daily business. (Note: This is an adult male of the species Sykes’ monkey).

Though the burglar didn’t seem to be very fond of having his pictures taken while he was eating. He went up the stair handrail to the upper floor from where he was able to take a view down to the living room to scan the scene. He then balanced over the beam and jumped into the upper floor bedroom. He seemed to know his way around so this surely wasn’t his first visit.

Monkey exploring the house

Monkey exploring the house

Ready to jump into the bedroom

Ready to jump into the bedroom

I ran upstairs but realized I had closed the bedroom door earlier. Different scenarios were going through my head before I dared to open the door. Frankly speaking I was shitting my pants. When I finally dared to open the door the thief luckily had found his way out through the window. To my surprise I find him sitting on the water tank giving me faces and posing before he finally passes out completely. Seriously!  Should this be a honeymoon ritual ?

 Showing his tongue

“pffft” – Sticking out his tongue

Completely passed out

Completely passed out


I’m too sexy!

Fairly unimpressed by my observation he continues his stroll trough my washing area where he also takes a short rest. Looks like he is marking his territory against potential competition.

My new laundry help?

My new laundry help?

Too tired doing the laundry

His last stop is the roof from where he has a clear overview before taking off to his next victim.

What next?

What next? (I love the way he keeps his hand 🙂 )

I am sure this was not his last visit. But now I am prepared….


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